Author: Art & Language  
Posted: 08.06.2001; 18:42:05
Topic: WORK
Msg #: 376 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next: 375/377
Reads: 13693

376 WORK Our methodology involves extensive interaction between individuals, their ideas, etc. , rather than the acceptance of the individual as an inviolate concept/authority. This is a challenge to the utility of the concept of the 'individual' born out of 17th century Cartesian rationalism.

-> Collaboration 94; Conversation 110; Individual 178; Intersubjectivity 188; Learning 205; Work 375, 381, 385, 390;

& A priori 27; Annotating 17; Collaboration 92, 93; Context 99; Conversation 108; Conversational matrix 113, 114; Paradigm 259; Understanding 371; Work 380;

< 375 | 376 | 377 >


Last update: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 at 1:05:42 PM.
