Author: Art & Language  
Posted: 08.06.2001; 18:41:48
Msg #: 359 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next: 358/360
Reads: 17019

359 TRANSLATION Our real translation problem with regard to painters emerges as: how do we translate our conception of 'theoretical/ideological' entailment into the language of painters? This does not mean translating into the means of painters.

-> Art-community 38; Painters/Painting 252, 257, 258; Translation 366, 367; Work, introduction of 406;

& Art criticism 41; Art, works of 53; Mapping 226; Pragmatics 276; Translation 358, 363; Work 389;

< 358 | 359 | 360 >


Last update: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 at 1:05:26 PM.
