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inactiveTopic SEMANTICS topic started 08.06.2001; 18:41:10
last post 08.06.2001; 18:41:10
Art & Language - SEMANTICS  blueArrow
08.06.2001; 18:41:10 (reads: 6921, responses: 0)
320 SEMANTICS In our language environment we can say 'x' exists because it is ontologically dependent on the action of people, not an entity over and above individuals.

-> Conversation 109; Conversational matrix 117; Intersubjectivity 187; Language environment 201; Pragmatics 278; Semantics 317; Work 381;

& Beliefs 66; Collaboration 94; Context 101; Individuality 178; Language 194, 196, 199; Meaning 236; Pragmatics 276; Surface-structure 335, 337; Understanding 371, 372; Work 376;

< 319 | 320 | 321 >