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inactiveTopic LANGUAGE GAMES topic started 08.06.2001; 18:10:44
last post 08.06.2001; 18:10:44
Art & Language - LANGUAGE GAMES  blueArrow
08.06.2001; 18:10:44 (reads: 25299, responses: 0)
203 LANGUAGE GAMES The Tractatus posited a universal language, whereas the Philosophical Investigations accounted for meaningfulness in terms of cross-game similarities. Our tendency has been to assume the former approach, so much so that discussions of art are lost in discussions of 'context', 'heuristic', 'recognition', etc.

-> Heuristic 135, 141; Knowledge 192; Language 198; Translation 364; Work 393;

& A priori 26; Art enquiry 46; Beliefs 73; Language 197; Language games 204; Learning 210; Opportunism 250; Philosophy 267;

< 202 | 203 | 204 >