202 LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENT Because a sentence can have several referents within a language community, an individual's use of a particular meaning does not segregate him from the rest of the community. I am thinking of those terms that are multi-referential and are accepted as such within a group. -> Ambiguity 5, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13; Context 103; Conversation 109; Conversational matrix 117; Language 198; Learning 213; Lexicographer 219; Meaning 235, 237; Opportunism 249; Pragmatics 276; Semantics 320; Thesaurus 353; & Art-community 38; Collaboration 94; Conversational matrix 114; Ideology 165; Language 195; Language environment 201; Understanding 371; Work 385; < 201 | 202 | 203 >