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inactiveTopic IDEOLOGY topic started 08.06.2001; 18:10:14
last post 08.06.2001; 18:10:14
Art & Language - IDEOLOGY  blueArrow
08.06.2001; 18:10:14 (reads: 14629, responses: 0)
170 IDEOLOGY The self-indulgence, near hedonism, the hipness of many New Yorkers is not the only way of maintaining a personal sense of reality, that is 'social authenticity' in the face of an out-dated (social, art) context: it is a question of responsibility.

-> Artist 48; Responsibility 311, 312;

& Anthropology 25; Art, work of 53; Autonomy 58, 60, 61; Context 106; Myth 245; Theory 344; Work 387;

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