Author: Art & Language  
Posted: 08.06.2001; 18:09:09
Msg #: 103 (top msg in thread)
Prev/Next: 102/104
Reads: 26102

103 CONTEXT Information retrieval systems emphasize the set of contexts over any individual context. Rush Rhees, in pointing out that we can't account for the meaningfulness of a language solely in terms of isolated language games (and hence imagine that ways of speaking are insulated from each other in mutually exclusive systems of rules), emphasizes the individual context over the set.

-> Context 99; Information retrieval systems 180, 185; Meaning 236, 237; Practical 275;

& Ambiguity 7; Artcommunity 38; Context 98; Conversational matrix 114, 115; Language 200; Philosophy 264; Practical 272, 273;

< 102 | 103 | 104 >


Last update: Tuesday, June 12, 2001 at 1:01:46 PM.
